Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A Mess of News

I have returned from an unanounced Christmas break. We were very busy with getting our handmade Christmas presents done. I'll post pictures soon.
My nephew decided to arive to the world a month early and 2 days before Christmas!
Then, because everything always happens at once the charging cord for my laptop had an accident. I can only get it to charge part of the time which limits my computer time. I plan to pick up a new cord this weekend and all will be well.
The plan for January is a recap of Homemade Christmas presents and then the plans and new schedules for the next year.  More blogging, more sewing, and more pictures are all on the menu for the next year.
My seed porn (that's seed catalogs for non gardeners) has come in. The planning will begin in earnest soon.
House remodeling (on a budget) will also restart next week.
So, Please stop by and see what's up.
What are your plans for this year?

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