Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Book Review: Butt'ry Shelf Cookbook and update

I found the Butt'ry Shelf Cookbook by Mary Mason Campbell, illustrated by Tasha Tudor in my Mom's basement. I have to admit I love cookbooks from previose generations. I never make the recipes but I love the narratives. The look at peoples every day lives which food is such a big part. This one opens with an explanation of what a tradition Butt'ry was like. They were the precurser to a pantry but suppersized. With homemade ingredients stored in crocks and reused glass jars. This is where dry goods like spices, herbs,cookies, special occasion pans and etc were stored. Medicines were also kept here along with items that should not be stored in a cool root cellar.

What I learned from this book was the love and care with which food was provided to the family. Set upon beautifull platters and serving bowls, arranged to look lovely. Now I whatch Food Network and intelectually I know that looks are important when it comes to food. I will admit that I serve from pots and pans, dumping food onto plates and not taking any consideration on how it looks. It's probaby a curse from our modern living styles. Food has been cheap for my whole life and even in a low income family it was taken for granted that it would always be plentiful and easy to make. Not true a 100 years ago when everything you put into your mouth took effort and time and work. So I have decided to take more care in laying out our meals. Maybe I'll even throw a tablecloth on the table and get out some napkins!

The meal traditions tallked about in this book are delightfully old fashioned and homemade. A definite read (if your wierd like me anyway).

In updates: I am terribly behind on book reviews. If anyone out there can show me how to embedd book pictures on a sidebar so everyone can see the books like a link to amazon that would be awesome.
I had a several week period of low energy. No I Am Not Pregnant. Just hadn't been taking care of myself properly and my adrenal glands were tired. But I am feeling much better and am planning to do some painting. My little half bath first and then my living room.

1 comment:

Tonia said...

Yeah! I am glad to see you back. I have been not such a good blogger lately. I like the idea of using tablecloths and the "good" china for everyday meals. Rarely do I do it though. I will have to see if our library has that book. It sounds like a fun read. Take care of yourself!