Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Princess Garden List

This year Princess is getting her very own garden plot. I asked her what she would like to grow.....

Princess "Sunflowers, a bush with butterflys on it"
Mom "What color bush would that be?"
Princess "Purple, and a bee bush too."
Mom "What color is that one?"
Princess "Blue, Mommy. "
I have no idea what we're going to get as a bee bush. Any suggestions would be welcome.
"Daisy's, cucumbers and pickle plants"
Me "We turn cucumbers into pickles, Honey"
Princess "I know. I want little ones pickle size but not with prickles on it"
Me "OK, how about tomatoes or green beans."
Princess "No."
Me "OK, How about pumpkins."
Princess "Yes, little ones I can hold like this."

 So Princess garden will have...
Butterfly bush, purple
Bee bush, blue
Cucumbers, small pickle size
Pumpkins, jack be littles
Lambs ear

1 comment:

Angelina said...

I wonder if bee-balm has blue flowers? That's a very sweet list!