Friday, April 23, 2010

The Piano

My husband and I have been learning about pianos off and on for about a year now. King took lessons as a child and still plays well, and I always wanted to learn. Princess has shown an interest for a few years now, but we thought she was too little. We also knew if she was going to have a chance at learning, we would have to have a piano for her to practice on at home. The plan was to buy one next year and then pay for lessons. We were planning on having to spend $1500 - $2000.

But then Saturday I walked into a yard sale being held at a local Christian high school. I didn't get to this sale till after 10am, which usually means most of the good stuff is gone.

There sat a piano with a sign on it "$100 - Delivery Extra".

"Ok", I thought. "What's wrong with? It must not play." But it looks in pretty good shape. So I go over and tap on the keys. It works! It even sounds good! I go ask the high school kids that are working the sale about it. I'm told that a piano tuner had just been out to the school, looked it over and said it was in good working order. However, the high school had five pianos and didn't need all five.

So I bought it! It's not the prettiest thing, but it only cost $120 including delivery! If the lessons go well, and Princess enjoys playing, we can trade it in on a nicer one in a few years.

It was delivered on Princess' birthday. We've all started playing. I have an adult beginner book and King is teaching Princess. Music fills my home, and I am so happy!

This is definatly at the top of my GREAT YARD SALE FINDS.

 PS, I now have had 2 people ask to go yard sale-ing with me because of my find.....

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